
statement: Are avant-garde practices still important to you?

V[R]erses: An XR Story Series is comprised of works produced under the banner of Extended Reality Literature. This project captures my growing passion with making new types of Spatial Computing Storytelling and Virtual Reality Literature accessible, as well as embodying social commentary. Just as VR Literature can work to extend the creation of accessible electronic literature beyond the text-centric to truly encapsulate the haptic and the spatially-oriented, V[R]erses: An XR Story Series illustrates how XR projects can act as relevant social commentary at a time when it is sorely needed. I look forward to continuing to promote, create, and experiment with stretching the limits of VR and AR while producing XR projects that are openly accessible, as well as socially relevant.

project: V[R]erses: An XR Story Series

project description:

A V[R]erse is a microstory. Each story consists of a storybox that can be experienced in 3D via a WebXR enabled mobile device, desktop PC and in Virtual Reality. Each V[R]erse is created by different digital literature authors [text] and Mez Breeze [development + design, model + concept creation, audio]. Press the white arrow in the middle of each storybox below to begin. After clicking on the white arrow, you can then click on the “Select an annotation” bar at the bottom of each storybox screen, or on either of the smaller arrows on each side of the storybox if viewing vertically on a mobile [and also make sure to click the “+ more info” option for a full readthrough too], or navigate through the annotations manually. If you need help with the controls, please click the “?” located in the bottom righthand side – you’ll find other controls here like too “View in VR”, “Theatre Mode”, “FullScreen”, “Volume” etc. There’s also the option of a static playthrough of each V[R]erse by clicking on the annotation bar and selecting “Start Autopilot”, or if you’d prefer just to experience the work without the text, “Hide Annotations”.

Experience the work on V[R]erses: An XR Story Series