Syntax is the sequencing of subject, verb, and object,
of object, verb, subject,
of verb, subject, object.
Syntax is a branch of biology, it is a taxonomical device, it is the hegemonic word order.
It all began with Dionysius Thrax, a pupil of Aristarchus of Samothrace.
But there was another pupil of Aristarchus of Samothrace.
He was more of antitax and paratax
And he practiced the antimetaphorical resistance.
And he always stood against the order theory and the cartesian linguistics
And he always praised stochastic grammar and selective democracy.
So, I´m here to urge you
join the epistemologic rebellion
join the static ontology and the cultural desublimation
join the intransitive dissemination and the hypergrammatology
join the schizofrenic phonetics, the machinic semantics, the illegal pragmatics
join the panchakarmic conspiracy and the dislocated insurrection
Let me tell you:
Rebel against the donkey anaphora and the fake etymology
Rebel against the axiomatic identities and the material existence of ideology
These are the ideological conditions of reproduction of the relations of production
This is the spiritual anarchism
This is the experimental faith
I am going to say it because you have to hear it:
Lorem ipsum, Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum, Lorem ipsum
Beware of the agnosia, the asemia, the asymbolia
The aphasia, schizophasia, logorrea and paraphasia
Beware of the aprosodia
We must end it and we must end it now.
Against the Symbolic Order of the “big Other” and the ayurvedic microbiology
Against the Metasyntactic variables and the extra-linguistic restrictions
Because we remain in the zero state of intensity
Because we live immersed in the eternal commodity fetishism
Because eternal commodity we immersed the fetishism live
Because in the end, that is what this is about.